1QFY17/18 results


Ascendas Hospitality Trust posts 1.6% increase in 1Q DPS to 1.31 cents

SINGAPORE (Aug 3): The manager of Ascendas Hospitality Trust (A-HTRUST) has announced a 1.6% increase in its distribution per stapled security (DPS) to 1.31 cents in 1QFY17/18 from 1.29 cents in 1QFY16/17.


Ascendas REIT posts 4.3% growth in FY17/18 DPU to 4.049 cents

SINGAPORE (July 27): The manager of Ascendas REIT (AREIT) has declared a 1QFY17/18 DPU of 4.049 cents, a 4.3% increase from 3.88 cents the same time last year.