

Iskandar Malaysia: Vision versus reality

SINGAPORE (Sept 9): It did not take long for pundits a decade ago to conclude that the key to Iskandar Malaysia’s success would be Singapore’s participation. And indeed, cheap real estate and the promise of development and growth did lure many, both c


Pay up, or they give up

SINGAPORE (May 13): The row over the palm oil industry and the detrimental effects it has on the environment has intensified in recent weeks, fired up by the European Union’s plan to curb the use of palm oil in biofuels. Significantly, biofuels only eme

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Rich irony in a food paradise

SINGAPORE (Apr 1): It is hard to figure out why, in a compact and wealthy city state such as Singapore, where food options are plentiful and comparatively cheap, there are still people who worry about where their next meal will come from.

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Living it up

SINGAPORE (Mar 25): This is the season for indices. On March 20, Singapore was ranked 34th in the World Happiness Index — less happy than Taiwan, but far more cheery than Hong Kong and China, as well as its neighbours, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

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It was a doggone year

SINGAPORE (Feb 4): CLSA, for the 25th year running, has published its widely anticipated Lunar New Year predictions for the markets, which marry the art of fengshui with a keen observation of events and trends. For a brokerage founded by a group of busine

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200-year-old advantage no longer applies

SINGAPORE (Jan 28): Jan 29 marks the date, two centuries ago, that British East India Company agent Thomas Stamford Raffles set foot in Singapore. But Raffles would probably not recognise the place at which he was said to have disembarked, surrounded as i

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Brace for big changes in 2019

The tumult we saw in 2018 is not going to let up in 2019. Political, technological and climate changes will create uncertainty.

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2018 has set 2019 up for a bumpy ride

SINGAPORE (Dec 31): At the rate we are going, the year ahead is promising to be even more challenging than these last 364 days. There is doubt over the strength of the world’s top two economies. Major markets are in turmoil, after a decade-long bull run

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Disruption is the impetus for inclusion

SINGAPORE (Dec 17): 2018 has been a year of disruption, though not just in terms of new technologies replacing traditional methods or innovative start-ups displacing outmoded business models.