household debt

Tong's Portfolio

Abolish AP for cars — the single most effective solution to reduce living costs

Lower car prices would disproportionately help lower-income households.

Tong's Portfolio

Homeownership could be made more affordable if we opened our minds

People are wealthier because they own homes where prices have gone up.

Tong's Portfolio

Can government addiction to debt, almost the world over, be reversed?

Debt serves a crucial economic function.
Inflation rate will accelerate, but is it transient? - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Tong's Portfolio

Inflation rate will accelerate, but is it transient?

The pandemic has, without question, brought about a sea change, in terms of people’s behaviours and, notably, policies.
High debt a concern as Singapore faces its most severe downturn, says Menon of MAS

Singapore economy

High debt a concern as Singapore faces its most severe downturn, says Menon of MAS

The economic and health crisis brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic will have quite some ways to go. “We are not at the beginning of the end,” says Ravi Menon, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
What ails the Malaysian property sector

Tong's Portfolio

What ails the Malaysian property sector

Why are many Malaysians finding homes beyond their reach, despite low interest rates?


Capitalism's triple crisis

The Covid-19 crisis is exposing still more flaws in our economic structures, not least the increasing precarity of work, owing to the rise of the gig economy and a decades-long deterioration of workers’ bargaining power.

Global Economy

Central banks find that a tool to curb bubbles is doing the job

SINGAPORE (Dec 4): Central bankers are starting to see promising results from one of the recent additions to their monetary policy toolbox.
By bloomberg

Singapore economy

4 charts that say still too early to get excited about Singapore's economic rebound

(June 9): Singapore’s economy may be picking up, but consumers aren’t feeling it. 

Singapore is only Asean country to have stable banking outlook as risks rise

SINGAPORE (Oct 6): Asean banks are facing slower GDP growth, a weaker operating environment and increasing downside risks – but most should have adequate loss-absorption buffers to support their current ratings, says Fitch Ratings.