value trap
Tong's Portfolio
Why do some companies trade at below net cash? Opportunity or value trap?
Biggest risk for deep-value stocks is ‘time to monetisation’.
April 21, 2023
REITs and property stocks get a reality check
The REIT sector may be experiencing some headwinds now but there are still investment opportunities in the real estate sector
April 20, 2023
Financially Savvy
Value traps: When buying cheap isn't necessarily good
What is a value trap and how to identify one? These questions and more answered within.
January 06, 2023
Right Timing
Differentiating undervalued stocks from value traps
Undervalued stocks can be differentiated from value traps measuring their ROE versus cost of capital
August 19, 2021
Right Timing
Possible flash in the pan for Heeton as STI stays resilient
Heeton Holdings' price surge could indicate a value trap despite its undervaluation based on a price/NAV of 0.33x.
August 06, 2021