3QFY2024 earnings


IHH Healthcare’s 3QFY2024 patmi remains flat at RM534 mil

Earnings per share stood at 6.06 sen for the quarter, as compared to 6.04 sens in 3QFY2023.


Nio reports 3QFY2024 loss of RMB5.1 bil, up 11.1% y-o-y

Loss per share for the period stood at RMB2.50, up from a loss per share of RMB2.67 for 3QFY2023.


Frencken Group reports earnings of $9.2 mil for 3QFY2024, up 29.3% y-o-y

For the same period, the group reported a 7.7% y-o-y increase in revenue at $198.6 million.


Sri Trang Agro back in the black with earnings of THB517.3 mil for 3QFY2024

Gross profit margins in 3QFY2024 stood at 10.4%, up from 8% in 3QFY2023.


Sheng Siong reports 3QFY2024 earnings of $39.1 mil, up 12.4% y-o-y

Earnings per share stood at 2.6 cents, up from 2.3 cents in 3QFY2023.


ISEC Healthcare 3QFY2024 earnings up by 11% y-o-y at $4.3 mil

The group’s revenue in 3QFY2024 saw an increase of 5% y-o-y to $0.91 million, due to the increase of revenue contributed by the group’s specialised health services segment.
SATS 3QFY2024 earnings improve by 41.9% q-o-q to $31.5 mil - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


SATS 3QFY2024 earnings improve by 41.9% q-o-q to $31.5 mil

SATS sees better 3QFY2024, as it rides on the recovery in the travel industry.