Chew Sutat

Global Markets

As the rising sun treads its reopening path, some things remain lost in translation

"If only I had followed my own advice in January and started buying"

Global Markets

Some like it hot, but I don't

Many investors draw inspiration from Marilyn Monroe. Chew prefers to make cold, boring, but profitable bets

Banking & finance

Run on banks; banking on a run

If STI goes positive by the year-end, our three local banks, accounting for 40% of the index benchmark, will certainly weigh in

Global Markets

A ride along the K-wave, from freezing winter to red hot stars

Let's not forget the Secret Garden right here at home
Global Investments in active buybacks; ID Ong of Geo Energy halves his stake - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Insider moves

Global Investments in active buybacks; ID Ong of Geo Energy halves his stake

As at March 31, the company’s net asset value per share was 16.01 cents

Global Markets

It is cherry pink and apple blossom white

Markets, just like cherry flowers blossoming, is getting less predictable

Global Markets

The Long March — market hops up and down in the first quarter

Our thesis that this was a stock-picking year in Singapore holds.
Australia, a 'Crowded House' revisited - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Global Markets

Australia, a 'Crowded House' revisited

The markets of Singapore and Australia have plenty of similarities and are complementary

Global Markets

The phoenix rises but first, there must be ashes

Companies crash and burn but some do rise from the ashes, like the proverbial phoenix

Silicon Valley Bank fallout

This bank collapse is different — or is it?

This bout of turbulence should allow the STI to continue to outperform