China Markets


China’s abrupt trading tax cut forces Hong Kong into hard choice

Before China slashed its stamp duty in half, city officials had said it had little impact on overall stock trading volumes.
Chinese EV market taking a breather, long-term growth prospects remain - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

China Focus

Chinese EV market taking a breather, long-term growth prospects remain

The intensifying competition in China’s EV market could result in the number of manufacturers shrinking from a pool of some 200.

China Focus

Goldman Sachs says China stocks may miss Party Congress boost

Growth momentum has been historically strong in the run up to the key political event
UBS’ O’Connor China long/short hedge fund sees Alpha opportunities - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Special Event

UBS’ O’Connor China long/short hedge fund sees Alpha opportunities

The UBS O'Connor Hedge Fund is looking to identify situations where its long positions relatively outperform its short positions.

Investing strategies

Citi: US inflation to ease and China to lead global recovery

Many investors are now 'frozen in a state of indecision'.

Investing strategies

Credit Suisse turns positive on China, but warns of persistent debt levels

Is it time to head into the Chinese market? Maybe, but Credit Suisse warns investors of the debts that Chinese companies hold.
China’s stock market a ‘sleeping dragon’ - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Global review

China's stock market a 'sleeping dragon'

China may soon be regarded by investors as an independent asset class, just like the US or Japan.
How to make your own ‘five-year plan’ for investing in China - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Global Markets

How to make your own ‘five-year plan’ for investing in China

As global recovery sets in, can China keep its "first-in first-out" advantage.
Sunpower divests manufacturing and services to build back better following record RMB377 million FY20 earnings - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Sunpower divests manufacturing and services to build back better following record RMB377 million FY20 earnings

RMB1.93 billion has already been invested and committed in project equity to build up Sunpower’s GI portfolio.
Despite debt concerns and geopolitical uncertainty, the Chinese economy is still alive and kicking - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Global review

Despite debt concerns and geopolitical uncertainty, the Chinese economy is still alive and kicking

Will China be the carp that leaps across the dragon's gate in 2021?