
Hafary House is the new go-to spot for all things surface at home - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

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Hafary House is the new go-to spot for all things surface at home

The new gallery has been designed to inspire, with displays of the brand’s products in a variety of themes and setups
The beauty of porcelain slabs - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Interior Inspiration

The beauty of porcelain slabs

Hafary, a leading supplier of building materials, delves into the advantages of extra-large format tiles, which combine style and durability


Hafary's 2HFY2022 earnings up 192.6%, plans special dividend

Hafary shares closed Feb 17 at 23 cents, up 2.27%, up 25% over the past year.

Deals, joint ventures & alliances

Hafary to add manufacturing capabilities to portfolio via JV

Through the JV, the group will lease two manufacturing plants in Johor, from Hafary's majority shareholder, Hap Seng Group.