Orchard Towers

Hiap Hoe's Orchard Towers en bloc sale failed - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

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Hiap Hoe's Orchard Towers en bloc sale failed

The en bloc sale of Orchard Towers was not successful. Hiap Hoe owns 59 strata units in the property.
Hiap Hoe owns 59 strata units at en-bloc sales aspirant Orchard Towers - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Hiap Hoe owns 59 strata units at en-bloc sales aspirant Orchard Towers

As at June 30 2021, Hiap Hoe’s net asset value was 157.76 cents. It last traded at 66 cents.


Hiap Hoe 4Q earnings surged 141.4% to $68.0 mil on higher revenue

SINGAPORE (Feb 28): Hiap Hoe reported 4Q17 earnings increased by 141.4% to $68.0 million compared to $28.2 million in 4Q16.


Hiap Hoe acquires Orchard Towers shops and offices for $162 mil

SINGAPORE (Nov 3): Hiap Hoe is acquiring 21 shops and 38 offices at Orchard Towers.