
China Focus

Trump's tariffs hurt more than just China

Trump's tariffs may spare China but could disrupt global trade, posing potential collateral damage for businesses

US Economy

Trump's impossible economics

Faced with Trump’s return, wise foreign leaders would start thinking about how to tackle their countries’ own long-standing domestic economic challenges

US Economy

Will we see a Trump boom?

'We live in the Age of Trump'

Banking & finance

Earnings growth, rising dividends attract investors

Banks' balancing act between Basel, dividends, growth, the Fed and Trump

Global Economy

Biden seeks higher tariffs on Chinese steel, aluminum to support US firms

The broadside comes as the Biden continues the review of tariffs imposed on China by Trump

US Presidential Race

Trump scores easy win in Iowa with DeSantis a distant second

Trump was aiming for a resounding victory in the caucuses to further his pivot to a potential general election rematch with Biden
US to begin review of tariffs on US$300 billion of China imports - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

US-China trade war

US to begin review of tariffs on US$300 billion of China imports

"I don't think they’re in love with the policy, but they're kind of stuck with it."


Grab the wild ride of spacs

There is a spac bonanza hiding in plain sight in Singapore. Next year could see it take off.

US Presidential Race

With a divided United States, policy uncertainty and market volatility here to stay

Policy uncertainty and volatility are here to stay, says DBS chief economist Taimur Baig
Can America avoid an election crisis? - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

US Presidential Race

Can America avoid an election crisis?

Never, at least in recent times, have Americans faced the realistic prospect of the incumbent rejecting the outcome.