Wuhan coronavirus

Singapore economy

Singapore's tourism industry rolls up sleeves to grapple with Covid-19's 'uncharted territory'

SINGAPORE (Feb 14): Singapore’s tourism sector is expected to take a significant hit this year due to the 2019 novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. As of Feb 13, there have been 58 people infected with the virus. The Republic also has the highest numb


Private sector link arms to counter 'public enemy number one' fallout

The government is widely expected to introduce a multi-million package to help companies and individuals ride through the negative impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, which has been dubbed “public enemy number one” by the World Health

Aviation & Engineering

Airlines prepared to weather coronavirus outbreak

(Feb 7): Airlines are perpetually on the alert against crashes. That does not mean the coronavirus epidemic will lead to any corporate disasters.


How will the novel coronavirus affect the economy?

SINGAPORE (Feb 7): There is growing alarm over the spread of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), whose first confirmed case was reported in China's Wuhan city. The population of infected patients continues to grow as more evidence of community spread o


Stay alert, stay healthy

SINGAPORE (Feb 7): The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), also known as the Wuhan coronavirus, has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organisation. Said to have originated in Wuhan province in China, the coronavirus pandemic – which causes